Handiply® Utilityclad - Groove

Handiply® Utilityclad Groove is commonly referred to as down grade plywood cladding, downgrade or seconds cladding. It is a band-sawn plywood panel sourced from downgraded Shadowclad® exterior cladding.

Utilityclad Groove features a 9mm wide, 5mm deep grooved profile at 150mm centres across the board. Utilityclad Groove is not suitable as an exterior cladding where a high level of visual finish and/or compliance with NZ Building Code clause E2 is required.

Recommended cladding applications include, but are not limited to: sheds and barns, farm buildings and general utility buildings.

For applications such as residential and commercial cladding, which require a high level of visual finish and/or compliance with NZ Building Code clause E2, you must use Shadowclad first-grade exterior cladding. The use of Utilityclad Groove plywood cladding in these applications is not permitted.

Features & Benefits

  • Manufactured from sustainably-grown NZ plantation pine.
  • Groove profile features grooves 9 mm wide, 5 mm deep grooved profile at 150 mm centres across the board.
  • Sheet thicknesses: 12mm (nominal).
  • Sheet dimensions: 2440/2745 x 1216mm. All sheets feature a shiplap joint on long sheet sides (actual effective sheet width is 1200mm).
  • Available H3.2 CCA treated or LOSP treated (subject to availability).
  • Low formaldehyde emission (E0).
  • Available Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified (FSC® C012019) upon request


Handiply Utilityclad is produced under a strict quality control programme and is an ‘A Bond’ construction.

Downgrade plywood claddings, such as Utilityclad manufactured by CHH Ply, will meet the structural and durability requirements of the NZ Building Code (Clause B2). However CHH Ply will not warrant downgrade plywood cladding used in applications required to meet Clause E2/AS1 of the NZ Building Code or any issues relating to surface appearance or finish of the product.


This section is currently under review - for information on sheet thicknesses, lengths, packs, pricing and availability, please contact your local merchant

Building Product Information

Handiply® Utilityclad™ Product Technical Statement and Building Product Information Sheet

Product Technical Statement and Building Product Information Sheet for Handiply® Utilityclad™ Exterior Cladding not requiring compliance with NZBC Clause E2, External Moisture

Technical Note

Handiply - Moulds on Plywood

Technical Note relating to moulds on plywood.

Handiply Utilityclad Cladding Technical Note

Handiply Utilityclad Cladding Technical Note.


Handiply SDS H3.2 CCA Treated Plywood

Chemwatch Safety Data Sheet.

Handiply SDS H3.1 LOSP Azole Treated Plywood

Chemwatch Safety Data Sheet.