Information Bulletins
Information Bulletins
AUGUST 2021 Using Dark Colours with Shadowclad Information Bulletin
This information bulletin has been created to provide further guidance to building owners using dark colours with Shadowclad
MARCH 2021 Shadowclad Maintenance Information Bulletin
This information bulletin has been created to provide further guidance to building owners about the minimum maintenance requirements for Shadowclad products.
MARCH 2021 Shadowclad General Repair and Replacement Guidelines Information Bulletin
This information bulletin has been created to provide guidance to building owners about the general repair and replacement of Shadowclad products. It is not intended as a complete installation guide, or a substitute for professional advice.
MARCH 2021 Shadowclad Additions and Alterations Information Bulletin
Where additions and/or alterations to the building are made that will affect the structural stability of the building, the weathertightness of an elevation, fire safety or other circumstances identified in Schedule 1 of the New Zealand Building Act 2004 a building consent will be required.
MARCH 2021 Shadowclad Cavity Construction Information Bulletin
This information bulletin discusses the reasons for CHH Plywood’s updated advice to specifiers and homeowners that Shadowclad cladding for new builds should only be used over a drained and ventilated cavity.
Handiply Carpet Grade Flooring Structural
Handiply Carpet Grade Flooring Structural Information Bulletin
Handiply Garage Ply Installation Guide March 2014
Garage Ply is a cost effective plywood panel lining suitable for non structural linings such as garages, sheds and utility buildings. Garage Ply offers high impact resistance and exceptional durability compared to other lining material options.
Handiply Non Structural Plywood
Non structural Square Edge plywood is a range of competitively priced plywood products specifically produced for non structural, non load bearing applications or applications where compliance with NZ Building Code is not required.